Hello beautiful!
Welcome to my home.
I am super excited you found me! Now you are my guest, so please make yourself at home.
My name is Trinity Sevdalis.
I have a communications degree in advertising, marketing, public relations, journalism and 15 years of working experience in the communication sector. As a media and marketing communication executive I know how important is the art of researching, writing and conveying a message to the public. Over the course of time, I had the desire to employ my skills in writing about topics that I care about and reach out to people who care about them too.
I am deeply and profoundly passionate for learning, writing and sharing my knowledge. My other passion (…obsession!) is beautiful hair. I love seeing lovely women around me having divine and admirable hair.
Through the years I’ve had my share of compliments about my hair. Women often ask me what products I use and how do I take care of it. So, why not use my writing skills to share my experiences with you?
I take hair seriously but not out of vanity. Hair is not only beauty, is about health also.
A positive mindset plus a healthy body result in beautiful hair.
In the pursuit of finding the right hair product, we get too much information through the media, the internet and social media. Sometimes it’s overwhelming to choose among all these well-designed bottles that when you open them amazing aromas explode. The fact is that it’s not so easy to find the one that is good for your hair’s needs, and the pursuit never ends, right?
Although I can’t resist trying new products on the market, making a homemade hair product with all natural ingredients, is the healthiest thing to do. But I have to admit that some products out there can do a really good job.
The important thing is to keep the balance; mentally, physically, socially.
And now that you are still here (hopefully!), let me show you around.
I made this place driven by 5 reasons:
A short version of my aha! moment.
Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
Constitution of the World Health Organization
(The Definition has not been amended since 1948).
A beautiful person is a healthy person. I believe that. I experienced a constant working stress for years which eventually took a toll on my health. I was caught up in a lifestyle where I was living just by working, glued on a chair in an office. I didn’t exercise, I wasn’t eating right, I was forgetting to drink water, I didn’t have time for friends and mood for social gatherings, my brain never stopped working even in my sleep.
(maybe this story sounds familiar to you).
For 2-3 years my hair was falling like crazy (luckily I had a lot of hair so it didn’t show), my locks were dry and so hard to comb. I was sad and my hair looked anything but healthy.
When I started having better eating habits, exercise a little, having less stress, and paying more attention to my hair care, day by day I began to see the difference for the better. Now, after 2 years, my excessive hair loss has stopped.
I am a true believer that a holistic approach is essential for beautiful hair.
Trust me, it isn’t an easy process and I am not saying that you should or must change your lifestyle overnight. Living a natural life is the goal. However, don’t let it overwhelm you.
Alert your mind, hear your body’s needs, pay attention to your inner self. Health and beauty is what you’ll get….and a happy life with gorgeous hair.
Do you care about your hair too?
If you do, stick with me a little longer to see what I can do for you (and decide if you’ll enjoy my company!).
Don’t forget! Your hair just adds to your gorgeousness!
You might be wondering why “to hair with love”? Am I really that mad about my hair?
It’s all about perspective.
The look of my hair doesn’t define who I am, how I feel, what I think, how I communicate with you. Even if I get bald that doesn’t make me less of a human being. However, your hair is unique, it’s like a fingerprint!
Also, it affects the first impression we make on others whether we like it or not (we probably don’t like it). We all know that someone can be characterized by the way his/her hair looks, right?
Just remember how you felt on a bad hair day!
(I bet you’ve heard/read that sentence one too many times…)
Most of us have faced, are facing and will face hair issues. So, if I am able to do something to take care of my hair, then why not do it?
The hair never lies.
What I mean by that? If you follow a poor (or bad) diet, you have stress or suffer from an illness and you take medicines, your environment is polluted and your life is not balanced then your hair eventually will tell you that something is wrong. Amazing, isn’t it?
Writing about hair care I have the opportunity to research topics that I also care about. I am passionate for books and articles about psychology, sociology, nutrition, well-being, health, beauty, complementary/alternative medicine.
They are all so unbelievably connected. The hair is my reason to combine them all together. That’s why “to hair with love”.
If I want you to keep hanging out with me, you’d probably like to know some more things about me.
Let’s learn and have fun too!
See you inside!
To You With Love.