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woman touching her dry hair
How To Make Hair Mask For Dry Hair & Healthy Snack At The Same Time!
Does your hair look rough with split ends and messy and it seems it hasn’t been combed for days? Then you have plenty of reasons to use a hair mask. Do you feel your hair craving for a hair mask for dry hair? Then your hair is really thirsty. Here you go, three yummy home remedies for dry hair to choose from!
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woman looking in the mirror brushing her hair
Hair Growth Vitamins Deficiency? Look In The Mirror!
What's the big secret to healthy and beautiful hair? Well, it's not a secret anymore, but it's big alright! Did you know that the look of your hair and scalp can indicate hair growth vitamins deficiency? Isn’t this remarkable? Your good health depends mostly on a balanced diet consuming all the essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals and proteins (ok, and a little bit of exercise!).
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To Hair With Love / HAIR CARE (Page 5)
12 Apr

Why This Magical Natural Moisturizer Is Like Genie In A Bottle!

natural moisturizer for soft shiny hair
I just have to share with you my latest magical natural moisturizer discovery. I like to experiment with different hair products but I also make my own home remedies. Easy homemade natural moisturizer for soft & shiny hair. Let the story begin! It all started three weeks ago. I washed my hair but I didn’t have the time (and the mood) to style it at all. ...
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6 Apr

Skin Patch Test To Be Safe: How To Do Before Essential Oil Use

You probably know that essential oils are great ingredients to use for scalp conditions which they heal and nourish it. Therefore, they are excellent for hair growth. But if you want not to irritate or burn your scalp then a skin patch test is a must. In fact it’s an allergy test. Pure essential oils are highly concentrated and potent, so diluting them is a mandatory step. The way to do it is to add them to cold pressed carrier oils. This procedure also prevents the essential oils from evaporating since essential oils are not actually oils! Do the skin patch test to...
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30 Mar

Searching For The Best Shampoo? Is pH Factor Important After All?

The search for the best shampoo never ends and marketing “helps” a great deal to keep that search alive. Beloved celebrities, amazing actresses and gorgeous models appear on your screen promoting shampoos that promise to make your hair nothing less than perfect! Then you rush off and buy the shampoo that caught your attention, thinking you finally found the one! And usually, disappointment comes along....
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11 Mar

Itchy Scalp Problem? Shoot For This Smart Quick Trick!

Do you feel if you don’t scratch your itchy scalp now, you are going to bang your head against a wall? And when you do it, you know that’s only a temporary relief from the itching (and it’s so frustrating!). At the same time you are engaging in a vicious cycle of itching and scratching which can seriously infect the skin of your scalp by transferring germs from your fingers and nails. It’s not a dead end. You have the choice to do something, to experiment cautiously until you find that “holy” hair remedy for the trouble on your head....
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