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woman touching her dry hair
How To Make Hair Mask For Dry Hair & Healthy Snack At The Same Time!
Does your hair look rough with split ends and messy and it seems it hasn’t been combed for days? Then you have plenty of reasons to use a hair mask. Do you feel your hair craving for a hair mask for dry hair? Then your hair is really thirsty. Here you go, three yummy home remedies for dry hair to choose from!
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woman looking in the mirror brushing her hair
Hair Growth Vitamins Deficiency? Look In The Mirror!
What's the big secret to healthy and beautiful hair? Well, it's not a secret anymore, but it's big alright! Did you know that the look of your hair and scalp can indicate hair growth vitamins deficiency? Isn’t this remarkable? Your good health depends mostly on a balanced diet consuming all the essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals and proteins (ok, and a little bit of exercise!).
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To Hair With Love / Posts tagged "Recipes"
20 Jul

How To Make A Frozen Fruit Smoothie With Green Tea For Hair Growth!

I love fruit smoothies and I love green tea. What an excellent combination to satisfy these persistent afternoon cravings for something sweet, but healthy, thankfully! And since they are good for the hair health too, I’m going to share with you one of my favorite frozen fruit smoothie recipes. It’s so easy to make and absolutely refreshing. I promise you, you won’t need more than 4 ingredients in your blender!...
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2 Jul

Why Is Water Important For Hair Growth? Do You Like Drinking It?

woman drinking water
Are you struggling to drink water every day? Do you keep forgetting it? I feel you! I'm on the same boat. I don't know why, but drinking water has always been like a nightmare for me. Until the day I found out why water is important after all and how it strongly affects our hair health. There is so much information available, but I'll narrow it down to make it easier for you. You'll also learn ways that will help you drink your everyday water! I know they've helped me, so I'm sharing them with you....
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